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How Does Open Tech Promote Open Practice at TRU?
What do we mean by an “open platform”? For today, we will avoid definitions and focus on how platforms work, and how we work with them. For a few sets of tools, let’s ask the following questions: Where is it hosted? Who “owns” the software? Who administers and constructs the environment? How much can it…
Your portfolio
This portfolio starter site was intended to make the process of building a space less technically intimidating, and also easier. While the instructions are focused on basic processes and settings, you are invited to make theme changes and more ambitious shifts as you become more comfortable. Some examples from previous students Elizabeth Spike, Sophia Dodic,…
Plugin Removals: a description of why and what to do
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Open Ed Tech Co-op
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Understanding H5P Content Types and Libraries
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A tale of two [mattermost servers, container types, databases]
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