Open Ed Tech Co-op
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What do we mean by an “open platform”? For today, we will avoid definitions and focus on how platforms work, and how we work with them. For a few sets of tools, let’s ask the following questions: Where is it hosted? Who “owns” the software? Who administers and constructs the environment? How much can it…
It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of Light, it was the season of Darkness, it was the spring of hope, it…
Every now and then a WordPress plugin comes along that I instantly know will be a useful game-changer for many TruBox and OpenETC users. I recently installed this plugin on both servers and will take a few paragraphs to show you what it does. The Academic Blogger’s Toolkit (ABT) helps you manage citations and bibliographies…
What is a plug-in? A WordPress plugin is a piece of software that “plugs into” your WordPress site. Plugins can add new functionality or extend existing functionality on your site… The Ultimate Guide to WordPress Plugins: 19 Examples & How They Work What plug-in are in use now? We have a number of “network activated”…
Hi all, please request your Webwork accounts/courses using the form below. It accommodates multiple courses per instructor, multiple instructors per course (for co-teaching or multi-section courses using a common Webwork course.), and adding notes to copy problem sets from an existing course. Please note the following account information which increases flexibility for Faculty, Webwork accounts…
Trubox has been updated to a version that includes the new Gutenberg editor. Read on for what it means for you and how to use the new editor.