Learning Technology & Innovation

We are Learning Technology & Innovation (LT&I)

LT&I are part of Open Learning (OL), and complement CELT, and TRU IT, supporting teaching and learning. Our Production and Media teams build online and distance courses for OL, while the Learning Technology team is focused on supporting our campus community.

Strategic Priority: “Inclusive excellence in faculty and staff recruitment and retention.

A core mission for LT&I is to extend the capacity of our faculty with the careful application of learning technology, and in the programming that we offer to our community. We also strive to reduce faculty workloads and stress levels with a constant focus on process improvement and highly responsive support. We extend this approach to our students as well.

Moodle Orientation / Learning Without Walls / Lightboard! / Teaching Unbound

LT&I’s support for our open publishing and collaboration platforms (WordPress, Pressbooks, Mattermost, MediaWiki) allows us to extend TRU research through knowledge mobilization and community engagement.

An Untextbook Project / Canada and the Asia-Pacific Policy Project / FoodLoops / Learn Secwepemctsín Online

Note from steph: I think untextbook was moved here: https://rethinkld.trubox.ca/

Podcasting is an area of particular strength. Dr. Brenna Clarke Gray is a co-investigator of the SSHRC-funded Amplify Podcast Network.

Strategic Priority: “Student wellness and belonging will enable us to achieve the change goal of eliminating opportunity gaps, and Honouring Truth Reconciliation and Rights.

LT&I’s platforms and skills have allowed us to extend our reach with open educational resources and open pedagogy.

Special emphasis has always been placed on working with students on developing their digital skills and literacies. We are especially grateful for the opportunity to work alongside indigenous scholars.

OL has collaborated with campus partners to promote accessible practices for all of its digital learning practices.

Strategic Priority: By 2033, TRU will be highly ranked provincially, nationally, and internationally for its unique academic and trades programs, that provide students with flexible learning pathways into research informed curriculum and experiential opportunities.

There has been an expressed need for “an academic-led discussion on IT at our university”. LT&I has a strong record of leading these kinds of conversations at this university, and is proud of the trusting working relationships it has built with both ITS and faculty.

LT&I is piloting extended platforms to support microcredentials, such as with the Public Safety Resilience Project, partnering with TRU’s Faculty of Science.

LT&I is recognized as a leader in open educational technologies. This is embodied in the BCcampus-funded Open Ed Tech Collaborative (OpenETC). This leadership has resulted in participation in the Digital Learning Advisory Committee (convened by the Ministry of Advanced Education and Skills Training) in the drafting of its Digital Learning Strategy. We have been invited to participate in further discussions to plan the implementation of a number of its recommendations, including a proposed Open Source Project Office (OSPO).

The Open EdTech Collaborative (OpenETC) / 2021 OE Global Award for Excellence, Open Infrastructure